Nepal Earthquake: Mapping Landslides and Road Blocks

Landslides and Road Blocks


The goal is to map earthquake induced landslides and roads blocked by debris or visibly damaged. Please compare with any previous background imagery available to make sure the landslide occurred recently and possibly induced by the 2015 earthquake.

This is an advanced project. Two different imagery sources must be used in order to evaluate changes. Using JOSM editor is highly recommended to be able to quickly switch between layers and more easily input the advanced tags.

Tip: You can easily show or hide imagery layers in JOSM by pressing alt+NUMBER, where NUMBER is the number of the layer, starting with 1 at the bottom of the list and counting up from there, so alt+3 will show/hide the third layer from the bottom. </div>

Landslides and Road Blocks

Area feature

Objects to map:

  • landslide cones (area covering the entire landslide, use hazard_type=landslide)
  • landslide locations (node, point within the landslide cone area, use hazard_type=landslide)
  • road blocks caused by landslide debris (node, use barrier=debris)
  • roads damaged or blocked by landslides (way, use smoothness=impassable)

Landslides (node or area)
source:date=add date of imagery per task
source=add appropriate source per task

Blocked/damaged roads (way)
source:date=add date of imagery per task
source=add appropriate source per task

Road blocks (node)
source:date=add date of imagery per task
source=add appropriate source per task