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Conflating With OpenStreetMap

Now that the data collected using ODK Collect has been converted to OSM XML, it needs to be conflated against the existing OpenStreetMap(OSM) data before validation by a human being. Due to the wonderful flexibility of the OpenStreetMap(OSM) data schema, this can be difficult to fully automate. At best it can assist the human mapper by identifying probable duplicates, and other conflation issues. Rather than delete the possible duplicates, instead a tag is added so the mapper can find them easily and decide.

Conflation algorythms are not very elegant, they are usually slow and brute force. But they also save the mapper time doing this completely manually.

This project's conflation software can use either a local postgres database, or a GeoJson file produced by the make_data_extracts program. This program is also used by FMTM, so you can use those as well. Obviously using postgres locally is much faster, especially for large areas.

Setting Up Postgres

For raw OSM data, the existing country data is downloaded from GeoFabrik, and imported using a modified schema for osm2pgsql.

osm2pgsql --create -d nepal --extra-attributes --output=flex --style raw.lua nepal-latest-internal.osm.pbf

The raw.lua script is available here. It's part of the Underpass project. It uses a more compressed and efficient data schema designed for data analysis. Once the data is imported, do this to improve query performance.

cluster ways_poly using ways_poly_geom_idx;
create index on ways_poly using gin(tags);

The existing OSM database schema stores some tags in columns, and other tags in a hstore column. Much of this is historical. But this also makes it very complicated to query the database, as you need to know what is a column, and what is in the hstore column. The raw.lua schema is much more compact, as everything is in a single column.

Using Postgres

If you use the OdkParsers program, you don't have to deal with accessing the database directly, but here's how if you want to.

This would find all of the tags for a hotel:

SELECT osm_id, tags FROM nodes WHERE tags->>'amenity'='hotel'

If you want to get more fancy, you can also use the geometry in the query. From python we setup a few values for the query, and note the ::geometry suffix, which uses meters instead of units. Meters are easier to work with than units of the planet's circumferance.

self.tolerance = 2 wkt.wkt = "Point", "coordinates": [-107.911957, 40.037573] value = 'Meeker Hotel'

query = f"SELECT osm_id,tags,version,ST_AsText(ST_Centroid(geom)) FROM ways_POLY WHERE ST_Distance(geom::geography, ST_GeogFromText(\'SRID=4326;{wkt.wkt}\')) < {self.tolerance} AND levenshtein(tags->>'name', {value}) <= 1"

This query finds any building polygon with 2 meters where the name matches. The levenstein function does a fuzzy string match, since minor differences in the name can still be a match. Minor typos in the ODK collected data or OSM often have minor typos.

Using a GeoJson File

Using a data file also works the same way, only you can't really query the data file the same way. Instead the entire data file is loaded into a data structure so it can be queried by looping through all the data. While not very efficient, it works well.

Conflating The Data

All data collected using Collect is a node, but we also want to check both nodes and ways. Many amenities in OSM are only a node, since adding data with a mobile app, POIs is all they support. Any data added by JOSM or the iD editors is often a polygon. Many buildings have been added to OSM using the HOT Tasking Manager, and were traced from satellite imagery.

Buildings traced from imagery have only a single tag, which is building=yes. When field mapping, we now know that building is a resturant, a medical clinic, or a residence. Since OSM guidelines prefer the tags fo on the building polygon, and not be a separate POI within the building. If there are multiple businesses in the same building polygon, then they stay as a POI in the building.

Conflating With Postgres

Since the database has 2 tables, one for nodes and the other for polygons, we have to query both. A possible duplicate is one that is within the desired distance and has a match in one of the tags and values. Names are fuzzy matched to handle minor spelling differences.

The nodes table is queried first. If no possible duplicates are found, then the ways table is queried next. The query just looks for any nearby POI that has a match between any of the tags. Currently the distance is set to 2 meters. Often the GPS coordinates from Collect are where you are standing, usualy in front of the building. This distance threshold is configurable, but if it's too large, you get many false positives. As all mobile mapping apps only add a POI for an amenity, it's common it's in the nodes table.

If nothing is found in the nodes table, then we check the polygons the same way, distance and a tag match. Often people working on a desktop or laptop may add more tags to an existing feature, and properly have all the tags be in the building way, and not a POI within the building. If there are miltiple small businesses in the same building, then each remains a POI within the building polygon.

If a possible duplicate is found, the tags from the collected data and the tags from OSM are merged together. In the case of the name tag, the existing name is converted to an old_name tags, and the collected name value is used for the *name tag.

Conflating with a GeoJson File

Since GeoJson supports multiple geometry types, unlike postgres, there is only one set of data to compare against. The same process as used for postgres is used for the data file, the only difference being the data file is loaded into a data structure, and then has to loop through all the existing features. This is slower than using postgres, but works the same. One advantage is this can use he data extract from FMTM, and not require the mapper to have a postgres database.

String Matching

There are more spelling mistakes, weird capitalization, embedded quotes, etc... in the values for the name tag than I can count. This makes matching on the name somewhat complicated even when using fuzzy string matching. Typing in names on one's smartphone also can add typos or do auto-correction. And of course those mistakes may also already be in OSM, and the feature you collected may be the correct one.

For a potential match, the old value is placed in a old_name tag, in addition to the the fixme tag used to flag a possible duplicate. This enables the validator to decide and fix any minor differences in the value. This mostly only applies to the name tag, as most other tags have a more formalized value.

When an amenity has changed names, for example when a restaurant gets new owners, this won't likely be caught as a duplicate unless the amenity tag values match.

Validating The Results

Conflation does not generate perfect results. It's necessary to have a validator go through the reults and decide. The output file from conflation does not remove anything from the collected data. Instead it adds custom tags on what it finds. This way the validator can search for those tags when getting started, and delete the duplicate and validate the tag merging.

The primary tag added is a fixme tag for possible duplicates. If there is more than a difference in the string values used for the name tag, the existing tag is renamed to be old_name. While this is not an actual OSM tag, the alt_name tag is currrently used to avoid conflicts. It's up to the validator to decide what the apppropriate value is.

I often notice when collecting data in the field on my smartphone, typos are common. Missing capitalization on names or sometimes the wrong character is common.

Here's a simple chart of the conversion Data Flow.

Last update: September 30, 2024