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REST API Endpoints

This is a comparison between the endpoint of Tasking Manager and the Field Mapping Tasking Manager. The goal of the TM Admin project is to support these endpoints. There is also not an obvious 1-1 relationship between endpoints the support class in TM Adamin. Endpoints are higher level than the code in TM Admin.

For the common functions like querying the database by ID or name, these are in a base class, so shared.


Endpoints for managing User profiles.

Tasking Manager FMTM TM Admin
Get paged list of all usernames Get Users UsersDB.getAll()
Registers users without OpenStreetMap account UsersDB.createTable()
Updates user info UsersDB.updateTable()
Get user information by OpenStreetMap username UsersDB.getByName()
Get stats about users registered within a period of time UsersDB.getByWhere()
Get user information by id Get User by ID UsersDB.getByID()
Allows user to enable or disable expert mode UsersDB.updateExpert()
Allows PMs to set a user's mapping level UsersDB.updateMappingLevel()
Allows PMs to set a user's role UsersDB.updateRole()
Get a list of tasks a user has interacted with UsersDB.getByWhere()
Resends the verification email token to the logged in user
Get recommended projects for a user
Get details from OpenStreetMap for a specified username
Get detailed stats about a user by OpenStreetMap username
Get paged lists of users matching OpenStreetMap username filter
Get User Roles


Endpoints for managing Organization profiles.

Tasking Manager FMTM TM Admin
List all organisations Get Organization OrganizationsDB.getAll()
Creates a new organisation Create Organization OrganizationsDB.createTable()
Deletes an organisation Delete Organizations OrganizationsDB.deleteByID
Retrieves an organisation Get Organization Detail OrganizationsDB.getByID()
Updates an organisation Update Organization OrganizationsDB.updateTable()
Return statistics about projects and active tasks of an organisation


Endpoints for managing projects.

Tasking Manager FMTM TM Admin
List and search for projects Read Projects projectsDB.getAll()
Creates a tasking-manager project Create Project projectsDB.createTable()
List and search projects by bounding box projectsDB.getByLocation()
Get featured projects projectsDB.updateTable()
Get all projects for logged in admin projectsDB.getByWhere()
Get popular projects projectsDB.getByWhere()
Get similar projects projectsDB.getByWhere()
Gets projects user has mapped projectsDB.getByWhere()
Deletes a Tasking-Manager project Delete Project projectsDB.deleteByID()
Get a specified project including it's area Get Project Details projectsDB.getByID()
Updates a Tasking-Manager project Update Project projectsDB.updataTable()
Set a project as featured projectsDB.updateColumn()
Send message to all contributors of a project
Unset a project as featured projectsDB.updateColumn()
Transfers a project to a new user projectsDB.updateColumn()
Get all user activity on a project projectsDB.getByWhere()
Get latest user activity on all of project task projectsDB.getByWhere()
Get all user contributions on a project projectsDB.getByWhere()
Get contributions by day for a project projectsDB.getByWhere()
Get AOI of Project projectsDB.getByID()
Upload Custom XLSForm
Project Partial Update
Upload Multi Project Boundary
Task Split
Upload Project Boundary
Edit Project Boundary
Update Odk Credentials
Validate Form
Generate Files
Get Data Extracts
Update Project Form
Get Project Features
Generate Log
Get Categories
Preview Tasks
Add Features
Download Form
Update Project Category
Download Template
Download Project Boundary
Download Task Boundaries
Download Features
Generate Project Tiles
Tiles List
Download Tiles
Download Task Boundary Osm
Project Centroid


Endpoints for managing tasks in a project.

Tasking Manager FMTM TM Admin
Delete a list of tasks from a project
Get all tasks for a project as JSON Read Tasks tasksDB.getAll()
Extends duration of locked tasks tasksDB.getByWhere()
Invalidate all validated tasks on a project
Locks a task for mapping tasksDB.updateColumn()
Lock tasks for validation tasksDB.updateColumn()
Map all tasks on a project
Set all bad imagery tasks as ready for mapping tasksDB.updateTable()
Reset all tasks on project back to ready, preserving history
Revert tasks by a specific user in a project
Split a task
Unlock a task that is locked for mapping resetting it to its last status tasksDB.updateTable()
Unlock tasks that are locked for validation resetting them to their last status tasksDB.updateTable()
Undo a task's mapping status Update Task Status tasksDB.updateTable()
Set a task as mapped Update Task Status tasksDB.updateTable()
Set tasks as validated Update Task Status tasksDB.updateTable()
Validate all mapped tasks on a project Update Task Status tasksDB.updateTable()
Get task tiles intersecting with the aoi provided tasksDB.getByLocation()
Get all tasks for a project as GPX tasks.getAll()
Get all mapped tasks for a project grouped by username
Get all tasks for a project as OSM XML
Get a task's metadata Get Task
Get invalidated tasks either mapped by user or invalidated by user
Get Task Stats
Get Qr Code List
Edit Task Boundary
Task Features Count

Last update: December 20, 2023