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Code Structure

This document is only of use to people considering being part of our development community.

Code walkthrough

This is a short description of the files for this project.

The Top Level

The top level directory mostly has subdirectories where all the work is done, so this is mostly project management files, like python packaging.

The primary directories are:

  • main/tests - Which contains all the test cases
  • main/docs - Which contains all the documentation
  • main/tm_admin - Which contains all of the code.


Some directories have a Makefile. This is for automating tasks used by developers. This is common for generating documentation or the other files this project creates. Since Makefiles do dependency tracking, it reduces the amount of files that hace to be regenerated after a change.

Generated Files

This project supports multiple language bindings. These are all configured by the YAML based confg file that defines the data structures. The program creates the output files from the config file.

For example for the users table:

  • - A class that defines the data as a dictionary
  • - The protobuf file for gRPC
  • - A class for accessing protobuf messages

Adding A Table

To add a new database table, create the directory for it, and then create the following 3 files. Rename foo of course.

    -> foo.yaml

The foo.yaml file defines the data structure for accessing the database. It is required when adding a new table. The is the one that defines the FooDB class, which is the glue between postgres and this project. The FooDB class contains code for direct table management within the database.

The files ia an API for accessing the database for Tasking Manager style projects. This can be incorporated into a FastAPI or Flask backend.

The jsonb columns can also defined by a yaml file. This is useful when the josb column has Enum values, as the jsonb columns don't support data types. The generated class file will define a data structure for the column that makes it easy to access each element in the jsonb column with the correct Enum value.


All the test cases in the tests directory can be run standalone while debugging them, or via pytest for github. Note that all test cases must support the asyncio API used in the rest of the code.

API Support

Each table directory contains an files, which is support code for a website backend. This lets the queries used to support the front end share code with the testsuite. Any function that simply returns data from a query, can be implemented in the calling code. More complex queries that may involve multiple tables, or actions based on the data are in the

The primary generated python files contain a class that uses a dictionary to mirror the table schema. Each key in the class maps to a column in the table.

For example, the projects_teams.yaml file generates this class for the jsonb column in the projects table:

class Projects_teamsTable(object):
    def __init__(self,
        team_id: int = None, role: tm_admin.types_tm.Teamroles =
        tm_admin.types_tm.Teamroles.TEAM_READ_ONLY): = {'team_id': team_id, 'role': role}

The Table classes are heavily used by the API as a parameter passed to functions, as well as data returned from functions. For example:

pt = ProjectsTable(id=0, author_id=1, geometry=geom, centroid=center,
                    created='2021-12-15 09:58:02.672236',
                    task_creation_mode='GRID', status='DRAFT',
# returns True or False
result = await projects.insertRecords([pt])

Last update: March 4, 2024