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Building Packages in a Chroot

To distribute binary packages for a variety of platforms of varying versions, it's common to use a chroot to build in. This is to make sure that a the package binary is linked against the right libraries, which is required so the user doesn't have to build anything from source. Unlike Docker or Virtualbox, a chroot uses the base running kernel on host machine, but provides a different set of runtime libraries and tools.

Creating a Chroot

All platforms that use the .deb packaging format, like Debian and Ubuntu, can use the debbootstrap program to create the chroot. Debootstrap lets you pick the architect to support, --arch amd64 builds files for the X86_64 platform. after that the version of the distribution is specified, followed by the directory to install the files in, and finally the URL to download packages from. Once done, change to the installation directory, and type sudo chroot .. You'll now be in a minimal runtime environment. The first thing I do is create a /etc/debian_chroot file containing the name of the distribution. This puts the this value into the command prompt for the shell, which is very useful when you have multiple chroots.

As the chroot program requires one to be root, a utility program called schroot can be used to fake root. Once the initial chroot is created, change to the directory containing the downloaded files, and type these shell commands. Some of the programs used to build packages need these, which aren't present in the chroot, as they have to be shared from the host platform.

mount -t proc proc /proc
mount --rbind /sys sys/
mount --rbind /dev dev/

Once that initial setup is done, it's time to download more packages. The default config file for a chroot is limited to just the main repository. Not all of the packages Underpass depends on are in main, so add universe to get the rest, and then apt-get update. Your /etc/apt/sources.list file should now look like this:

deb focal main universe

Finally edit ~/.bashrc and add these three lines at the bottom. One specifies the path to a file pkg-config needs, but isn't always distributed, so it's included. The other is for locale, so it stops clutterin the terminal with warnings.

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/rob/underpass/m4
export LANG=C
export GPG_TTY="$(tty)"

To create signed packages, you need a GPG key pair setup, so might as well do that now. Type gpg --full-generate-key, and answer the questions. This will only work if you've execute the mount commands as documented above.

For Debian

sudo /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch amd64 bullseye bullseye/

Start by installing packages needed to build Underpass.

sudo apt-get -y install \
    git gcc g++ pkg-config make debhelper debconf chrpath ccache devscripts gpg \
    libgdal-dev libosmium2-dev libpq-dev libgumbo-dev \
    libssl-dev libpq5-dev libxml++2.6-dev libboost-all-dev

Ubuntu Focal (20.04 LTS)

sudo /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch amd64 focal focal/

Start by installing packages needed to build Underpass.

sudo apt-get -y install \
    git make gcc g++ pkg-config gpg debhelper debconf devscripts python3-all \
    libgdal-dev libpq-dev libgumbo-dev openmpi-bin \
    libxml++2.6-dev ccache libssl-dev libzip-dev libbz2-dev \
    libboost-all-dev libosmium2-dev osmium-tool \
    doxygen librange-v3-dev libtool-bin libltdl-dev  

Ubuntu Groovy (20.10)

sudo /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch amd64 groovy groovy/

Install dependencies as above. Note that the version of boost is 1.74

Ubuntu Hirsute (21.04)

sudo /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch amd64 hirsute hirsute/

Install dependencies as above. Note that the version of boost is 1.74

Building Libpqxx Packages

The version of libpqxx (6.x) that's included in current (Aug 2021) distribution like Debian Bullseye or Unbuntu Hirsute (21.04) has a bug triggered by libxml++. Since Underpass uses libxml++ and libpqxx, we have to build a package of a newer version (7.x). I added Debian packaging files to a git repository to make this easier, Get that fork here:

git clone

Once I do that, I run git tag, and the checkout the latest official release branch. There's a configure bug in the libpqxx sources I haven't gotten around to fixing yet, so I edit, and comment out this one line like so:

dnl AX_CXX_COMPILE_STDCXX_17([noext])

Then run ./, which produces the scripts used for configuring. Now that you have the configure script, configure libpqxx like this:

./configure CXX="ccache g++" CXXFLAGS="-std=c++17 -g -O2" --disable-dependency-tracking

After that, change to the debian directory, and type make deb -i -k. That'll build the deb packages, and at the end, have you GPG sign them. Once built, install the two packages, and you're all set to go build Underpass.

Building Underpass Packages

The Underpass git repository is at:

Once downloaded, change to the source directory and run ./ Once the configure files have been built, configure Underpass like this:

./configure CXX="ccache g++" CXXFLAGS="-std=c++17 -g -O2" --disable-dependency-tracking

and then typing make deb -i -k builds the packages, and has you sign them.