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OSM Stats

The Red Cross maintains statistics of changes, so it’s possible to track the mapping progress of individual users, teams, and mapping campaigns. Underpass writes directly to the postgres database used for OSM Stats. Underpass has the ability to recreate this database and populate it with data from the raw data files. Underpass uses replication change files to update these tables. The database schema contains a number of tables which are documented here:


OSM Stats Tables

The OSM schema contains a number of tables, which are designed to support the web front end. the raw_ tables are mostly static, and are simply a matching of an ID to a name for display. There are other smaller tables for the same purpose, usedc to group queries together for the front-end.

Keyword Description
Augmented_diff_status Contains the changeset ID of the augmented diff, and the timestamp of the last update
badges Contains the the badge ID, the category, the badge name, and the experience level
badges_users Contains the user ID, the badge category, the badge name, and the user experience level
changesets_status Contains the changeset ID and the timestamp for the update
raw_changesets Contains all the data of the changeset
raw_changesets_countries Contains the changeset ID and an index into the raw_changesets table
raw_changesets_hashtags Contains the changeset ID and the an index into the raw_hashtag table
raw_countries Contains an index number, and the country or state name plus a display abbreviation
raw_hashtags Contains an index number and hashtag used
raw_users Contains only the user ID and name
spatial_ref_sys Geospatial data used by Postgis


raw_changesets Table

The main table is raw_changesets, which contains extracted data from the two files is then processed to create the various statistics. The counters use the existing data, and only add to this value based on what is in the change file, as this requires much less processing time. This is the primary table Underpass updates the data in.

Keyword Description
id This is the ID of the changeset, and comes from the changeset file
road_km_added This value is updated by counting the length of roads added or deleted by the user in the change file
road_km_modified This value is updated by counting the length of existing roads modified by the user in the change file
waterway_km_added This value is updated by counting the length of waterways added or deleted by the user in the change file
waterway_km_modified This value is updated by counting the length of existing waterways modified by the user in the change file
roads_added This value is updated by counting the roads added or deleted by the user in the change file
roads_modified This value is updated by counting the existing roads modified by the user in the change file
waterways_added This value is updated by counting the roads added or deleted by the user in the change file
waterways_modified This value is updated by counting the existing waterways modified by the user in the change file
buildings_added This value is updated by counting the buildings added by the user in the change file
buildings_modified This value is updated by counting the existing buildings modified by the user in the change file
pois_added This value is updated by counting the POIs added by the user in the change file
pois_modified This value is updated by counting the existing POIs modified by the user in the change file
editor The editor used, and comes from the changeset
uid The user ID, comes from the changeset
created_at The timestamp this changeset was created, comes from the changeset
closed_at The timestamp this changeset was closed, comes from the changeset
verified Whether this data has been validated
updated_at The timestamp this change was applied to the database


raw_users Table

Keyword Description
id OSM user ID
name OSM username


raw_hashtags Table

Keyword Description
id hashtag ID, internal use only
hashtag OSM username


raw_countries Table

Keyword Description
id country ID, internal use only
name Country full name
code The 3 letter ISO abbreviation


raw_changesets_countries Table

Keyword Description
changeset_id The changeset ID
country_id The country ID


raw_changesets_hashtags Table

Keyword Description
changeset_id The changeset ID
hashtag_id The hashtag ID


changesets_status Table

Keyword Description
id The changeset ID
updated_at Timestamp of the update


badge Table

Keyword Description
id The badge ID
category The badge catagory
name The badge name
level The badge level


badges_users Table

Keyword Description
uid The OSM user ID
badge_id The badge ID
updated_at The timestamp of the user receiving this badge


augmented_diff_status Table

Keyword Description
id The change ID
updated_at The timestamp when this change was applied