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Boostraping the database

You can prepare your Underpass installation with data for a specific country.



Prepare your PostgreSQL + PostGIS database, for example:

sudo apt update 
sudo apt install postgis
sudo su - postgres
postgres=# CREATE USER underpass WITH PASSWORD 'your_password';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE underpass;
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "underpass" to underpass;
postgres=# ALTER ROLE underpass SUPERUSER;
postgres=# exit
psql postgresql://underpass:your_password@localhost:5432/underpass < setup/db/underpass.sql


sudo apt install python3-pip -y
sudo apt install python3.11-venv
python3 -m venv ~/venv
source ~/venv/bin/activate
pip install fiona
pip install shapely
apt install osm2pgsql


Go to the setup directory and run the boostrap script:

cd utils
chmod +x
./ -r south-america -c uruguay

Use -u <USERNAME> -h <HOST> -d <DATABASE> -d <PORT> for the database connection.

If you installed Underpass with Docker, you might use the -p 5439 -k yes options.

./ -r south-america -c uruguay -p 5439 -k yes

Regions (-r) are: africa asia australia-oceania central-america europe north-america south-america

Countries (-c) is the name of the country inside the region.

Data is downloaded from GeoFabrik, if you are not sure of what name you need to use, please check there.

For advanced users, check the boostrap script documentation.