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Drone Tasking Manager


  • We need to collect basemap imagery that we can generate map features from.
  • For example we can trace building footprints very accurately from high-resolution drone imagery (much better than satellite).
  • Imagery will be collected collaboratively via Drone Tasking Manager (Drone TM), where an area is subdivided into tasks and users collect imagery for each task.
  • The collected imagery is stitched together into one large image.

Step 1: Create an account

Step 5: Create the final image

  • From all collected imagery we need to produce what is called an ortho-mosaic.
  • This is simply all collected images merged into a single image, with georeferencing so where know where the image is located on a map.
  • The collected images from Drone TM must be pre-processed using the EXIF information on images (when and where the photo was taken).
  • Then the images are uploaded to Open Drone Map (ODM) for processing.

Extra Resources

  • Read more about ground sampling distance here