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Replication is the process of appyling a set changes to data. There are two types of replication files available for OpenStreetMap data, changesets and changefiles from their planet server. The level directory contains several subdirectories. All the subdirectory structures are the same.

Each of the directories contains a 3 digit name. A new directory is created whenever there are 1 million data files created. Each of these top level's subdirectories contains 1000 subdirectories, also named with a 3 digit value. Under those subdirectories, there are 1000 entries. The time interval between map updates is not consistent, so a state.txt file is used. This file contains the timestamp of the accompanying data file. The data file is compressed, and contains all the changed data.

For the change files, the directory structure looks like this:


Changesets are slightly different, as they contain no map data, just data on the changes made when uploaded.


Since the data file uses the same 3 digit prefix as the state file, it's easy to get the right data for the timestamp. Because the size of the data in the changefiles varies, plus CPU load, network latency, etc... the time interval varies, so can't be calculated accurately. It is possible to get a rough idea. Underpass makes the best guess it can, and downloads a state.txt file that is close to the desired timestamp. Using that initial state.txt file it's possible to increment or decrement the prefix till the proper timestamp is found. Then the prefix is used to download the data file for processing.