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Replication advanced options

You might run the underpass command with the following options:

  -h [ --help ]            display help
  -s [ --server ] arg      Database server for replicator output (defaults to 
                           localhost/underpass) can be a hostname or a full 
                           connection string USER:PASSSWORD@HOST/DATABASENAME
  -p [ --planet ] arg      Replication server (defaults to
  -u [ --url ] arg         Starting URL path (ex. 000/075/000), takes 
                           precedence over 'timestamp' option
  --changeseturl arg       Starting URL path for ChangeSet (ex. 000/075/000), 
                           takes precedence over 'timestamp' option
  -t [ --timestamp ] arg   Starting timestamp (can be used 2 times to set a 
  -b [ --boundary ] arg    Boundary polygon file name
  --osmnoboundary          Disable boundary polygon for OsmChanges
  --oscnoboundary          Disable boundary polygon for Changesets
  --datadir arg            Base directory for cached files (with ending slash)
  -v [ --verbose ]         Enable verbosity
  -d [ --debug ]           Enable debug messages for developers
  -l [ --logstdout ]       Enable logging to stdout, default is log to 
  -c [ --concurrency ] arg Concurrency
  --changesets             Changesets only
  --osmchanges             OsmChanges only
  --disable-stats          Disable statistics
  --disable-validation     Disable validation
  --disable-raw            Disable raw OSM data
  --bootstrap              Bootstrap data tables