Name Tags
Carreteras sin Clasificacion unclassified and Vehicles
Building as point of interest POI and Building
Areas as points of interest POI and Area
Simple points of interest POI and simple
Points of interest POI
buildings buildings
Carreteras terciarias tertiary and Vehicles
Carreteras residenciales residential, Vehicles, and remote
Rutas Paths, Vehicles, and Agriculture
Licencia OSM OSMTM
Change language in OpenStreetmap iD
Cambio de lenguaje en OpenStreetmap iD
Validate your work josm
Validar su trabajo josm
Start JOSM from Tasking Manager josm
Inicie JOSM desde el Administrador de Tareas josm
Draw pool josm
Dibuje piscina josm
Draw points, water tower example josm
Dibuje puntos, ejemplo de torre de agua josm
Draw basketball court josm
Dibuje cancha de baloncesto josm
JOSM Plugins josm
JOSM Plugins josm
Load the Correct Imagery josm
Cargue la imagen correcta josm
How to Join Buildings josm
Cómo unir Edificios josm
JOSM josm
Install JOSM josm
Install utilsplugin2 Plugin josm
Instale utilsplugin2 Plugin josm
Install the building tool plug-in josm
Instale el Plug-in "las herramientas de contrucion" josm
Enable Remote control josm
Habilite "Control remoto" josm
Draw with building tool josm
Dibuje utilizando herramientas de construccion josm
Draw roundabout josm
Dibuje una rotonda josm
Draw basic highway josm
Dibuje autopista básica josm
Draw basic building josm
Dibuje un edificio basico josm
How to Copy Buildings josm
Cómo copiar Edificios josm
Shift building polygon to base of building josm
Continue to Part II josm
Ríos como Líneas Indonesia, iD, and Rivers
Sidewalks Paths, Vehicles, and Agriculture
Sidewalks – Тротуары Paths, Vehicles, and Agriculture
Buscando Puntos Nuevos es, iD, and points
Discovering New Points to Add en, iD, and points
Roads – Дороги id and roads
Roads id and roads
Roads Canaan, iD, and roads
Crosswalks Paths, Vehicles, and Agriculture
Crosswalks – Пешеходные переходы – Пішохідні переходи Paths, Vehicles, and Agriculture
Classifying Roads roads, iD, unpaved, classifying, and highway
Classifying Roads – Классификация дорог – Класифікація доріг roads, iD, unpaved, classifying, and highway
Buildings buildings and iD
Buildings – Здания – Будівлі buildings and iD
Attached Buildings buildings and iD
Attached Buildings – Соединенные строения – З’єднані будівлі buildings and iD
iD vector alignment imagery, alignment, and vector
Trazando Caminos roads, nodes, and vector
OSM iD Editor Settings Brightness Adjustment Liberia, iD, and custom imagery
Caminos Canaan, iD, and roads
Residential Areas Liberia, iD, custom imagery, landuse, and residential
Common Areas Liberia, iD, custom imagery, common areas, and leisure
Saving in iD Editor iD and save
Copy/Pasting Buildings in iD Editor iD and buildings
OSM iD Editor Settings Brightness Adjustment Liberia, iD, and custom imagery
Brightness Dhaka, iD, and bing
Classifying Roads roads, iD, unpaved, classifying, and highway
Clasificando Caminos roads, iD, unpaved, classifying, and highway
Edificios buildings and iD
Ditch Karangetang, Water, Ditch, and Agriculture
Ponds Bangladesh, Water, Pond, and Agriculture
River Bangladesh, Water, River, and Agriculture
Ditch Bangladesh, Water, Ditch, and Agriculture
Area River Bangladesh, Water, River, and Hydrography
Validating Grids Karangetang, Validation, Tasking Manager, and Overview
Initial Scan Karangetang, Validation, Tasking Manager, and Overview
Highways Karangetang, Validation, Tasking Manager, and Highways
Buildings Karangetang, Validation, Tasking Manager, and Buildings
Classifying Unpaved Roads roads, iD, unpaved, canaan, and classifying
Unclassified Roads unclassified and Vehicles
Tracks Tracks, Vehicles, and Agriculture
Rivers (Lines and Area) Dhaka, iD, River, Hydrography, Lines, and Area
Tip Template Location, Type of Editor, and Feature Mapped
Tertiary Roads tertiary and Vehicles
Tracing Tall Buildings Dhaka, iD, and buildings
Splitting A Square Tasking Manager and Splitting
Small Ponds and Catchments Dhaka, Pond, and Hydrography
Unclassified Roads Saraya, Senegal, Malaria, Road, and Unclassified
Track Saraya, Senegal, Malaria, Road, and Track
Thatched Roof Buildings Saraya, Senegal, Malaria, and Building
Residential Roads Saraya, Senegal, Malaria, Road, and Residential
Metal Roof Buildings Saraya, Senegal, Malaria, and Building
Imagery Karangetang, and imagery
Regional Highway Bangladesh, Highway, Primary, Transportation, and Regional
Oneways Highways, Roads, and Tags
Just The Right Amount Of Nodes Highways and Nodes
National Highway Bangladesh, Highway, Trunk, Transportation, National, and Highway
Roads Must Intersect Highways and Intersection
Everything Is A Highway Highways, Roads, and Tags
Follow the Flow Highways and Direction
Zilla Road Bangladesh, Road, Zilla, and Transportation
Unclassified Road Bangladesh, Road, Unclassified, Transportation, and Tertiary
Editing Rivers Indonesia, iD, and Rivers
Residential Roads residential, Vehicles, and remote
Residential Roads residential and Vehicles
Paths Paths, Vehicles, and Agriculture
Secondary Roads Nepal, Earthquake, and Roads
Residential Roads Nepal, Earthquake, and Roads
Primary Roads Nepal, Earthquake, and Roads
Waterways Mozambique, waterway, and iD
Thatched Roof Buildings Mozambique, thatched roof, buildings, and iD
Secondary Roads Mozambique, secondary, roads, and iD
Metal Roof Buildings Mozambique, Malaria, and Building
Buildings Under Construction and Civil War Era Buildings Mozambique, buildings, and iD
Tertiary Roads Mozambique, tertiary, roads, and iD
Residential Roads Mozambique, residential, roads, and iD
Landslides and Road Blocks Nepal, Earthquake, and Landslide
Tertiary Roads Indonesia, roads, and iD
Rivers as Lines Indonesia, iD, and Rivers
Tracing Roads – Нанесение на карту дорог – Додавання доріг до мапи roads, nodes, and vector
Tracing Roads roads, nodes, and vector
ID alineación vectorial imagery, alignment, and vector
iD vector alignment imagery, alignment, and vector
Alignment – Выравнивание положения снимков – Вирівнювання положення фону imagery and alignment
Alignment imagery and alignment
IDP Tent Nepal, Kathmandu, Earthquake, IDP, and Camp
IDP Tent Nepal, Kathmandu, Earthquake, IDP, and Camp
IDP Settlement Nepal, Kathmandu, Earthquake, IDP, and Camp
IDP Settlement Nepal, Kathmandu, Earthquake, IDP, and Camp
Updating IDP Sites Nepal, Kathmandu, Earthquake, IDP, and Camp
iD Editor Square Status iD and squares
Getting Started Canaan
ditches Liberia, Landuse, Residential, and Leisure
IDP Site Tagging Scheme Nepal, Kathmandu, Earthquake, IDP, and Camp
Tagging Example Nepal, Kathmandu, Earthquake, IDP, and Camp
Communication Tower Vanuatu and CommTower
Imagery Karangetang, and imagery
Roads Canaan, iD, and roads
Canaan Buildings Haiti, Canaan, and Buildings
Tracing Canaan Buildings Haiti, Canaan, and Buildings
Buildings Bangladesh, Building, and Agriculture
Buildings buildings and iD
Buildings Karangetang and Buildings
Destroyed or Collapsed Nepal, Earthquake, Building, Destroyed, and Collapsed
Classifying Dirt Roads roads, iD, unpaved, Africa, Liberia, classifying, and highway